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A Bit About Me

WANG Gangqing was born in Beijing in August 1962. He

studied in the Department of Fine Arts of Beijing Normal

(Teachers) College from 1982-1986 and stayed on as a

member of faculty after obtaining his Bachelors Degree

there. He went for further studies in 1987 in the Kayama

Matazo (加山又造) Class of China Central Academy of Fine

Arts (CAFA). He took advanced academic studies in the

Chinese Arts Department of CAFA from 1989 to 1990. He

pursued additional studies in the Murals Department of

CAFA from 1997 to 1999 and obtained his Masters Degree


His works were displayed at the 8 th , 9 th , 10 th , and 11 th China

National Fine Arts Exhibitions; the 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , 6 th , and 8 th

China Gongbi (Fine Brushwork) Paintings Display; China

Today Fine Arts Display; as well as at multiple national and

local academic arts events and gained numerous honors. His

works were published in various fine arts journals including

<Fine Arts Studies>, <Fine Arts>, <Fine Arts Observers>, and

<Fine Arts World> etc. and has published six personal art

albums. His large-scale mural entitled <Tech Starry Sky> is

now installed at the Beijing Fengtai Kejiyuan Station of

Beijing Metro Line No. 9.

Wang is currently a professor of Fine Arts College of Capital

Normal (Teachers) University as the Dean of Chinese

Paintings Department. Concurrently he holds the following

titles and memberships: academician of China Central

Democracy-Building Union’s Arts Academy; member artist

of Beijing Municipal People’s Political Consultative

Conference Calligraphy & Arts Academy; member of China

Fine Artists Association; council member of Beijing

Municipal Fine Artists Association; council member of China

Gongbi (Traditional Fine Brushwork) Paintings Society;

standing council member and deputy office head of China

Murals Society; member of China Architecture Society as

deputy director of murals committee; council member of

Beijing Gongbi (Fine Brushwork) & Zhongcai (Heavy Color)

Paintings Society; standing council member and deputy

office head of Beijing Qi Baisdhi Fine Arts Studies Society.

Artistic Style of his <Youth-Water> Series

Wang’s unique personal style is beginning to emerge in his

works: maturing children’s physiques with blurred facial

figures, often against a soft and slightly melancholy

background as his symbolic expression and visual symbol.

Here in this series, the artist chooses not to tell exciting

stories or ideas, nor does he resort to literature-style

rhetoric. Center at stage are youths in bare bodies, lying, or

sitting on slopes, or standing in shallow water, searching,

listening, or simply identifying. The naturalistic care-free

state of being appeals to the spectator’s heart and tends to

make the beholder oblivious of the mundane world’s daily

affairs. This kind of ease and relaxing setting stands not only

for a pleasant soul, but more for a liberated state of being,

which can represent a wishful thinking for life and

meanwhile as an understated language for experiencing

1962年8月生于北京。1982至1986年就读于北京师范学院美术系获学士学位,留校任教。1987年在中央美术学院加山又造讲习班学习。1989年至1990年在中央美术学院中国画系学习。1997年至1999年就读于中央美术学院壁画系研究生班,获硕士学位。作品参加第八、九、十、十一届全国美展,第一、二、三、六. 八届中国工笔画学会全国大展,全国中国画展,今日中国美术大展以及国家级、省市级的多个学术性画展并多次获奖。作品发表于《美术研究》《美术》《美术观察》《艺术界》等各类美术刊物,已出版个人画集六册。大型公共壁画《科技星空》装置于地铁九号线丰台科技园站。

    现为首都师范大学美术学院教授,中国画系主任。民建中央画院院士,北京市政协书画院画家。中国美术家协会会员,北京美术家协会理事,中国工笔画学会理事,中国壁画学会常务理事.副秘书长,中国建筑学会会员 壁画专委会副主任,北京工笔重彩画会理事,北京齐白石艺术研究会常务理事.副秘书长。



human existence.

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