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Qi  Ke | 柯奇

Qi  Ke | 柯奇: TeamMember

My Bio 简介

Ke Qi was born in 1951. He studied at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1978. He studied Western painting. He graduated from the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts in 1986, majoring in Chinese painting. He has served as director of the Science and Technology Department of the China History Museum. Professional calligraphers and painters are members of the Chinese Artists Association, members of the Art Committee of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Collectors Association, and the vice president of Beijing Qi Baishi Art Research Association. Exhibition Yao In May 1999, the People's Republic of China and Spain held a national cultural and artistic exchange exhibition, Yuan Ji Keqi's works and Spanish art master Dali's works exchange exhibition, and in December 2000, he was invited to hold a personal exhibition in Sydney, Australia. Yuan Jun achieved a sensational effect. The works have won many awards and won the third-class meritorious service

柯琦出生于1951年 1978 年就读于天津美术学院学 习西画遥1986年毕业于解放军艺术学院中国画专业遥 历任中国历史博物馆科技部主任尧书画室主任尧馆高 级职称评委遥现为中国国家博物馆研究员袁专业书画 家曰中国美术家协会会员曰中国书画收藏家协会艺术 委员会委员曰北京齐白石艺术研究会副会长等遥 创作的,美术作品10余次参加全国性美展袁近百 幅作品参加国内外重要展览遥1999年5月中华人民 共和国与西班牙举办国家文化艺术交流展袁即柯琦 作品与西班牙艺术大师达利作品交流展和2000 年 12 月应邀在澳大利亚悉尼举办个人画展袁均取得轰 动效应遥因作品多次获奖荣立三等功遥

Qi  Ke | 柯奇: About
Qi  Ke | 柯奇: Pro Gallery
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